
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Our first BFP

I have a happy news to share:

We are going to have a baby!!

After one year of no period I thought I will need to wait longer to try for a baby. So there was no symptom in the first couple of weeks. I was on two rounds of different antibiotics due to a minor eyelid surgery and a UTI that follows after. I was clueless I am having something growing inside me.

After having no period for a year, everyone asked me how I knew I was pregnant at week 4. It started with  dream early in the morning- I was looking at a pregnancy kit with a faint line. When I went to work, my boss said I was glowing. Later that late afternoon, a student pretending to be a doctor told me there is a baby inside me. At night, I broke a bottle of red wine. After linking all these events together, my husband asked me to take the test and viola! A positive line!

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